Mia's Spontaneous Photoshoot!

Hello everyone!

I didn't actually plan on posting today but clearly once my cat Mia found that out, she saw her chance to get some spotlight and she seized it. I hope you'll enjoy this spontaneous little photoshoot from this morning with commentary by Mia herself!*

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
This broken litter tray is comfy as heck. Plus, blue is definitely my colour . . .

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
False alarm. I'll just sit here and lick my paw like that's what I meant to do.

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
Uh, are you getting my best side?

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger

Are you stalking me?!

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger
I mean, I know I have plenty of fresh, clean water in my bowl inside but there's just something about that rain water taste. I know Maeve loves it when I do this! Oh, hello tadpoles.

cat talking thoughts mia's spontaneous photoshoot pet blogger

It ain't easy looking this good.

*Okay, not quite but it was fun guessing what she might be thinking!

Jokes aside, this post comes as a result of only getting 4 hours sleep. Sleep deprivation at it's finest! I love recording little moments of Mia's life. I have a folder on my computer full of photos from way back when she was only a wee tiny thing!

Also, look how grey the sky is?! I'm looking forward to getting some weather worthy of the current season!

Do your pets ever get their own photoshoots?

Thanks for reading,
