Weekly Reflect | #18

Hello everyone! 
Welcome to the second Weekly Reflect of 2015!
It was a pretty eventful week, with most people's minds focusing on the tragic happenings in Paris. I was genuinely heartbroken when I heard and was glued to the news on Friday. It was such a shock to hear of such things happening there!
Let's take a look back on last week . . .

we spotted a squirrel in these trees as we were walking out of school - it's in there somewhere!

This week:

  • . . . it was back to school and back to routine, aka not sleeping in & having access to the fridge at all times. If I'm honest I didn't really enjoy school at all this week and it's made me realise just how much I can't to leave. Not to mention leave a bunch of toxic people behind but let's not think about that!
    • . . . I made up funny little short stories with my friend in our free periods after lunch on Tuesday!
    • . . . my sister went back to uni on Wednesday night! Of course I miss her but I have to say, having the bedroom to myself again is preferable!
    • . . . I did a little shopping yesterday! Just some essentials and a few treats thanks to vouchers I had from my birthday/Christmas. I actually picked up a few rings in River Island, expecting them to come to £11 but when I got to the till the cashier said they were only £6 - gotta love it when that happens!


    Well that was my week! 
    How was yours?

    Thanks for reading,
