Weekly Reflect | #6
Hello everyone!
My second week back at school and boy am I missing those lie ins. I'm not even the type to stay in bed after midday, I count 10am starts as lie ins! Getting up at 6am every morning has been a struggle, especially with the ever growing work load from school but besides those things, it's been a good week!
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cheeky instagram pic of my working elevenses on Friday! |
This week:
- . . . I got my Personal Planner in the post! Don't worry, I'll be giving that bad boy a whole post of it's own soon, plus a cheeky giveaway if you're lucky! I love it, I just know it's gonna come in so handy for blog organisation.
- . . . on Thursday, I went to University of Ulster Jordanstown's Open Day. It was basically a day of walking around stalls related to different uni courses, listening to lecturers and students and exploring the campus. I think it looks like a nice university but it just wasn't for me. None of the courses stood out to me and I still don't want to go to uni!
- . . . on Saturday, I had to do a bit of filming for Media Studies. I had a bit of anxiety getting there and back what with the train and the fact I didn't know the area whatsoever, but it all worked out fine and I'd say it was a pretty successful filming day!
- . . . during the week, my Media class and I had a go at making sugar glass for our film and well, let's just say it didn't go so well. We didn't have all the ingredients we needed so we had to improvise a bit. Put that on top of the fact we had no idea what we were doing and it was a recipe for disaster! Might just have to see what ebay has to offer instead . . .
- . . . yesterday after filming, I also did a bit of thrifting in my favourite charity shops and found two absolute gems! The first is a long knitted jacket with a pattern made for Autumn/Winter and the second is a stunning white shirt. A few weeks back I picked up some homeware bits in a charity shop so would you like to see a thrift haul, perhaps?
So that was how my last seven days panned out!
How was your week?
Thanks for reading,
weekly reflect