Primark Haul - Satchel, Shoes, Slippers & Socks!
Hello everyone!
I have a confession to make.
I can't enter a Primark without buying something.
I went in to replace my old slippers, came out with more. It's always the way isn't it!
In my defense, I didn't go overboard! I stayed within a £20 budget and got some really good bargainous essentials. Okay, okay, maybe I didn't need another bag . . . but just look at it!
----------------------------------- THE HAUL ---------------------------------------
Despite the purpose of this trip being for slippers, I headed straight towards the bag section first. There's been a bit of buzz around the mini satchels Primark have in at the minute and I just wanted to set my eyes on them to see if they were worth the fuss. My verdict? Definitely worth it. I went with the pastel pink because you know me, I'm borderline addicted to the colour, but they also had various other pastel shades. I've heard about polka dot ones but they were nowhere to be seen in my local. I think this bag is a great size if you only need to carry around a few essentials. Apart from the main inside section, it also has a zipped compartment and also an outer pocket. Perfect for hiding a cheeky wee chocolate bar or two! I'm in love with the texture on the bag and the silver hardware which makes it look a bit more luxe and dainty.
Long story short, I've been lacking in smart flat shoes recently. I knew Primark would sort me out so mini satchel in hand, I set out to look for a pair. I chose the off white, suede feel beauties pictured above. My memory might be incorrect, but I think I saw these in black too, in which case they might be coming home with me next time.
Caught up in my shoes and bag mind frame, I nearly forgot about the slippers! While waiting for my sister to come out of the changing rooms, I hung around the PJ's section only to find this absolute steal of a pair for £2. You just can't go wrong with slippers full stop, but these bow adorned cuties have been on my feet everyday since the purchase!
My sister was clearly taking her time trying on everything in the shop, so I very necessarily wandered round to the socks area. The infamous Primarni frilly socks never seem to be in my branch, but of they would be on the day I only intended to get some slippers! I picked up the pink and purple offerings (£1.50 each) and brought them to the queue. Then once I was in the midst of all the stuff you don't really need but kinda want when you're lining up, I found some frilly shoe liners in packs of 3! How much? £2. Well I was sold. The other two pairs were put down and these were picked up. They're ankle length which I actually prefer, plus I'm getting an extra pair than I bargained for! Pink, white and what can only be described as the same colour as Russian Blue cats. Expect them in future outfit posts because these socks are here to stay!
So that's everything I bought in Primark! I also went to Boots on the same shopping day so keep 'em peeled for a little beauty haul soon.
What gems have you found in Primark lately?
(and do feel free to tell me, I'm all ears for suggestions for my next visit!)
Thanks for reading,
Click here to read about the shenanigans involved when I was taking these photos!