Remember me? I'll be back soon!

Why hello there!
It's been a long time since I've blogged (February!) so I've rather got out of the swing of things but it's not without just cause - I've been doing my GCSE exams. I'm currently half way through and my last one is on the 14th of June so after that I hope to be right back to blogging!

I haven't been blogging but I have been checking in every now and then to check up and I still get comments so thank you very much for sticking with me.

Because of exams, I haven't really been out shopping at all (my weekends have been revision revision revision) so when my last exam comes, I intend to go shopping and catch up with new products/treat myself a little. Are there any products you recommend me trying out? I will review something if you ask me to test it out. :)

I also hope to go see The Great Gatsby when my exams are finished! Have any of you seen it and is it good? Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my favourite actors so I'm very excited to see him!

Lastly, is there anything you want me to post about? Feel free to give me suggestions for posts - I really have lost my blogging ways so I haven't got many ideas swinging around my brain. Oops. I could post about a new product you want me to test and review; my favourite *insert anything here* eg. nail polishes, thrift finds, etc; a how-to tutorial.. anything.
It doesn't have to be beauty related.. it could be about exams, school, music, art, lifestyle .. anything you might like! Get creative and think of some original post ideas and you could be seeing them here soon! 

Maeve :)
