Swapping Shopping for Studying.
Hey everyone!
I can only apologize for the lack of posts this week, I've had to really work hard in school as both my teachers and parents can't seem to stop reminding me my GCSE's are in 6 months. That sounds like a long time away, but I'm going to start my studying now so I can get on top of things and won't be rushed for time at all. I also have lots of coursework to do so I have my work cut out for me!
Saturday would usually be my day for shopping, but now I've signed up to my local library I'll be in there on Saturdays. I might pick up a few things in charity shops and makeup bits in Superdrug and Boots, but essentials only! I've bought quite a few things recently so expect a haul post as soon as I can find the time to organise one.
I don't really want to indulge myself by buying things for myself this side of Christmas, so I'll be cutting down on spending so I can save up for presents for my friends and family. I'm also going to apply for a couple of jobs! One in a hairdressers and one in a small food shop. Fingers crossed! I need to start earning and saving.
On an irrelevant note, I have spotted my DREAM SHOES.
Here they are. They're from ASOS and cost a whopping £50.
I've been trying to look for a cheaper version but I've had no luck so far. Please tell me if you can find anything similar for a little cheaper!
It is my 16th birthday in December so maybe I could mention them to my parents?
I just can't imagine a prettier, cuter, more precious pair of shoes.
I've also wanted a River Island bag for so long now, and it's this one in particular.
It costs £35 so it will have to be a birthday ask.
I just love it though!
I may be thrifty and like to find a good bargain but I can't help craving things that are a little more expensive - is that bad? I'm only human!
What I've been reading: Kirsty Allsopp's Homemade Home - loads of tips for decorating and being crafty.
What I've been listening to: James Arthur from X Factor! Love him.
What I've been doing: Studying and thinking of what to put on my Christmas list!
What have you been up to?
Maeve :)