Why people who work for charity are usually amazing.

Anyone who regularly goes to charity shops will know that the people who work there are, nine times out of ten, amazing.

Unlike in retail shops, the people who work at thrift stores don't get paid. And if they do, then very little. That means it takes a good heart to work for nothing or just next to it.

I want to tell you about three charity workers that I've found to be amazing. All from my shopping trip today!


First: I had just been to Easons and bought a magazine, which they bagged in one of those flipping paper bags that have no handles and are so awkward to hold. I was also carrying a handbag that sits on the elbow because it's too small for the shoulder. On top of that I had to carry a bag from my purchases from Superdrug and a coat, so my hands were pretty full. I entered a charity shop, looking for any sort of find. I spotted a handbag that looked wonderful, especially as I was on the lookout for a larger bag that could fit on my shoulder. It was on a high shelf so it was, inevitably awkward to reach it to get a proper look at it. However I managed to decide to bring it up to the counter where I paid for it, awkwardly reaching for my purse inside my bag with arms full of bags. The lady who served me realised as asked me would I like a larger shopping bag to fit my other bags and coat in as well as my new bag. I thanked her as she held the shopping bag open so I could fit my belongings in. She was so lovely, I can't imagine any service like that at a retail shop.

Second: I walked into a shopping mall and straight away I saw two ladies who were from a childrens cancer charity. My instinct was to automatically ask "Are you taking donations?" and get my purse out. As I rifled through my purse for some change she asked me, "What age are you?". "15, sorry why?", I answered. She said, "It's just, you don't usually find people so young so ready and eager to give donations." I thanked her and gave her a little more change that I thought I was going to because she was so nice to me. It was just a little kind gesture by saying that to me, but it made me really happy. A lot of adults today expect teenagers to be cheeky and moody so it was really nice to be noticed as not a stereotypical teen.

Third: I like to be friendly with staff at thrift stores, especially if they are kind-natured to me. There is one girl, in her 20's I'd say, that I've got quite friendly with at a particular shop. We always have a chat and she tells me if she likes what I've decided to buy. We don't know each others names or anything, we just like to talk away. Today, I was walking around a shopping mall when we walked past each other and she gave me a big smile. Nothing drastic or life changing, just a lovely big smile. I thought it was so nice that she recognised me, that's all. I've never known that sort of thing happen between customers and staff at any retail store.

As I said, nine times out of ten, usually, people who work for charity are amazing. Today I was also shown an occasion where they aren't. I was browsing a thrift store, minding my own business, when I heard 3 members of staff behind the counter f'ing and blinding like there was no tomorrow. I was actually really disgusted. It's not as if they were talking discreetly. I'm still a little shocked but I don't want to dwell on the bad because more often than not charity staff are truly amazing!

Have you had any lovely or not so lovely encounters with staff at thrift stores or charity workers? Or anyone at retail shops, just out of interest? Feel free to share any stories!

P.S. I had a super fabulous amazing brilliant day shopping today, I got some lovely things, had a lovely lunch with my brother and then took a stroll through a really beautiful park. A post to come will show to the products of my shopping trip.
