Thrifty Haul!

Here are some things I've found over the past couple of weeks that I'm going to show you...
Shopping Trip 1:
Mint Jumper
Brand: Dino
I've never heard of this brand before but I love this jumper! These pictures really do it no justice at all, it's gorgeous in real life. I'd actually been looking out for a mint jumper everywhere but couldn't find just the right one for a price that isn't ridiculously expensive, but I saw this one and loved it. I found it in a thrift store for just £2.50! I've already worn it a few times and I think it will be really nice in the Winter too.
It has batwing sleeves and I tried to take a picture showing this but it really just didn't look as good as it does when I wear it. I know these pictures of it don't show it in its full potential but believe me it's so lovely!
Peace Necklace
Brand: It didn't say any brand so brand unknown
Another thing I'd been on the lookout for, a peace necklace! I don't know what it is, but I really like anything with the peace sign on it, rings, tops, and now a necklace. It's a much shorter necklace than I'd ever usually wear - the peace sign sits just under my chin - but I really like it. The length makes it go really cool with shirts and tops with collars.
This little beauty was actually on sale in the charity shop, it was £2.50 but I got it for £1.49 - another bargain!
Jewellery Box
Brand: Virgin Vie
I'd never heard of this brand before so I did a little research and apparently Virgin Vie is a makeup brand? So really I suppose this is a makeup box, but I have intentions for using it for storing some jewels.
It has a pretty satin-y look and feel and is just plain white on the inside, no inner compartments but that's ok with me. I picked it up from the same charity shop where I got the mint jumper (and pink shorts and knit top which I blogged about before here ) for the super tiny price of £1.
Here's the box with the necklace I bought but since taking this photo I've filled it with my bracelets and earrings and all sorts!
Shopping Trip 2:
Brand: Paludas
I've never heard of this brand either but that doesn't bother me! It's a really nice bag, very spacious and lightweight, just what I was looking for. This only set me back £4 at the thrift store. Read my previous blog post about finding this bag here , it's the story first about me having my arms full and being helped by a lovely member of staff.(very good story ;) )
I was looking for a bag that was a little bigger than my other one and I really wanted one that could go on my shoulder because bags that you carry on your elbow can get quite annoying if you have a lot of other things to carry. But anyway, I think this bag is fantastic, it looks quite expensive and I've gotten some compliments from wearing it.
I love the compartments it has! Two big pockets at the sides, two zipped pockets and another small pocket inbetween. Really fantastic.
Sheer Floral Shirt
Brand: Primark
This lovely little shirt didn't actually come from a thrift store but straight from Primark! I was just looking around, no intention of buying anything really when this bad boy stuck out to me. On the sales rack. Guess how much I paid for it?
The itty bitty super tiny price of £2!
Reduced from £12!
I couldn't believe my luck.
As you can see, it's quite sheer and the front is a cream colour yet the back is black. I actually really like this about the shirt. It also has some gold buttons which I like.
The floral pattern on this is absolutely - I can't even describe how amazing and brilliant it is. I couldn't resist this!
I didn't know whether to show you this as it's not from a thrift store, but I decided to because you can go and get this bargain too if you like it if you have a Primark near you!
That was the result of two shopping trips over the past few weeks, I hope you like what I got!
Let me know what you think. Also, please let me know if you want to know about bargains I find from retail shops like the shirt I got from Primark.
On the second shopping trip I also bought two MUA items and two Miss Sporty items, but I've decided to show them in a future post to avoid this one from being too long.
Have you found anything lovely from a charity shop recently? Or any bargains from Primark or other shops? I'd love to hear! :)