Weekly Reflect #75
Well lads, it's that part of the week when we take a little time to sit back and reflect on the past week!
This week . . .
. . . wasn't filled with happiness and light I'll be honest with you! I woke up on Monday not feeling the best; a mixture of the cold, my usual chronic fatigue & the fact I'd somehow managed to scratch the inside of my eyelid meant I wasn't on top of the world. And I had a very watery and sore right eye. At this stage I'm pretty used to not being well so I tend to just take it in my stride but this time I was a bit annoyed that I had to miss my yoga class that night because of it! Thankfully I'm feeling a bit better now and all being well I'll be doing my hours worth at the gym tomorrow.
Also this week we lost a very close family friend. She was someone I'd known all my life and who cared for so many people so her passing was a real blow to all of us. I wasn't sure whether I should include this here or not but I figured that as it affected my week and these Weekly Reflects are a log of what happened & how I felt, it would be wrong to gloss over it, y'know? As I grow up I'm learning that death is a part of life and it's not something we can avoid!
On a happier note we were treated to some glorious weather this week and I got out for two walks in the countryside - Tuesday & yesterday! That's where these photos are from and I count myself so lucky that I can get out and witness such beauty in nature. Spring is definitely on it's way and let's hope it brings plenty of happiness with it!
So there you have it, another week gone by! It's hard to believe this time next week we'll be in March already. Go ahead and get involved in the comments below and let me know what you got up to this week! Anything nice?
How was your week?
Thanks for reading,
weekly reflect