Weekly Reflect // #34
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the month of May!
Let's reflect on the past week . . .
This week:
- . . . if I'm honest, it was a bit of a 'nothing' week. I really didn't feel like myself at all and what with my health being rubbish, that kind of took over the whole week. I got some of my blood tests results back - most came back clear but they did find a deficiency in Vitamin D. That wasn't really a surprise as I've spent most of my time inside for the past few months as a result of being ill. Anyway, I'm now on a course of tablets to try & up my Vitamin D levels and hopefully that will help my symptoms!
- . . . I started watching Empire, a new TV show on E4! I've heard that it's already aired in America and this was it's debut in the UK. I'm loving it already - apparently Michelle Obama is a fan!
So that's what I got up to this week!
How was your week?
Thanks for reading,
weekly reflect