Where to find me! | Thrift O'Clock

Hello everyone!

I'd umming and ahhing about setting up a Facebook page for this little blog now today I just thought, yeah, why not? I think it'll be another great way for interacting with you, my lovely readers, as pretty much everyone and they're gran has a profile now!

I know that different people prefer different methods of social media following so I thought I'd do a little round up post of all the ways you can follow and keep up to date with Thrift O'Clock. Especially as I'll be posting more regularly once my exams are over.


So here are the various places you can find me:


Just use the widget in the right sidebar. This is my personal favourite method of following blogs I read!


click here 
I'm also connected to Bloglovin' so if that's your preferred method then click this link! There's also a little button in the right sidebar.


click here 
I'm using my blog Twitter more and more these days and if you want to be kept up to date with my posts I tweet links to new posts when they're up. I also participate in various #blogger chats. If you want to be featured in my weekly Proud Moments posts then read here to find out how to get involved.


  click here
 Yep, as I just mentioned I only created a blog page today so if you'd like to be kept in the loop with Thrift O'Clock, comment and chat then please like away!


If you want to get in touch, become friends, discuss things, send longer messages then that's the way to get in touch.


And hopefully Youtube soon! I also have a personal Instagram, but I don't know, would you be interested in that? I mainly post photos of my cat Mia, food, art, pretty things I encounter and the odd selfie or two.

Feel free to leave your links below as I always love a new blog to read!

