What's going on in my life right now?

Hello pretties :)

I don't know if you'll find this a boring post or in any way interesting, but it's a bit of a lifestyle post. So if you're into that thing, then hi!

I've also included lots of photo quotes from Pinterest, I own nothing but love for the pictures!


At the minute, I am exhausted. First week back at school, and I'm exhausted. "GCSE's this year" is all I've been reminded of by all of my teachers, the pressure is on! After I'm finished writing this post I'll have to start the homework for the weekend (insert sarcastic 'yayy' here).


I am trying my absolute best at school this year. I suppose I've always been well behaved and well prepared for exams, but I'm really trying to knuckle down and work as hard as possible! Also, I've been really behaving and pulling my weight at home, doing lots of jobs around the house. It gets me respect from my family so it's all good, even if I am tired most of the time!


I am officially obsessed with tea! Before, I liked it but didn't have it that often, now it's what I turn to when I'm stressed or tired! Bad I know, but I just love it. How many cups a day do you have?


My two best friends have fallen out. This puts me in a really awkward position, I love them both and as much as I don't want to take sides, one is right and the other isn't. This upsets me because I always thought those two would be friends for life, they seemed inseparable. Hoping it will sort itself out soon.

On a happier note, I AM GOING TO SEE ED SHEERAN IN CONCERT. Yes that needed to be typed in all capitals, excited is not the word to describe me right now. It's in a few months, the countdown begins!

Ed Sheeran

I should have been thrifting today but instead, homework is keeping me at home. I feel like I haven't properly thrifted in a while, and I think shopping is going to have a take the back seat for a while. :(

I should be getting my national insurance number soon, meaning I can then apply for a part-time job! I can't wait to start earning.
ed sheeran quote


Well I hope this post was a tiny bit interesting to you!
I am a good listener, so anything you want to mention about your life, I'll be glad to listen. Everyone needs someone to listen to them once in a while.


Don't forget, I take any questions you have and answer then on Mondays in a special post called Monday Question Box. Click the tab at the top underneath the blog title thingy and comment. Ask away!

M :)
