Call me M.
After Edie from Hurts Like Heaven , one of the people I nominated for the Liebster Award, mentioned in her post that she wondered if 'Fashion Goddess' was my real name, I felt like I had to tell you something!
My parents did not give me that name at birth, of course not! It's just a random name I thought up ages ago. I in no way believe myself to be a fashion 'goddess'! I just think it sounds nice. :)
Anyway, the reason I haven't given out my real name is because I don't really want the people I know in real life from school finding me on here. Not that I'm ashamed of this blog, no! It's just I can imagine it would be embarrassing if they confronted me about it.
Don't think that's what you have to call me, you can call me M, that's the first letter of my first name. :)
Now that's cleared up I want to tell you about Edie's blog! It's a fantastic corner of the internet I suggest you venture to and follow, she is so funny and pretty and her blog is amazing.
M :)