Going thrifting tomorrow! + wishlist
Tomorrow I'm going on my usual Saturday scoot round the charity shops, so there may be a post soon about new things I've picked up if I'm lucky to find a find or two.
Last week I found two amazing finds - a gorgeous floral skirt and a bag which just fills me with joy - there will be a post about these too with pictures, I am so happy I found them!
They were on a wishlist of mine and now I have crossed them out because I've found them! A wishlist is a brilliant idea, why don't you make one of your own? Excellent way to avoid picking up things you don't really need and of course it's a brilliant feeling to cross things of the list as you now own them.
Here's my wishlist at the moment:
Handbag- Purse that stands out
- Backpack
- Patterned jeans
Floral skirt- Chelsea boots
- Plenty of tops and t-shirts
I'm looking out for a new purse that's really colourful and cute and will stand out. I have also been on the hunt for a backpack, there's lots about at the moment but I just haven't found a really unique one for me. I think I will maybe try to find a plain white one to customize myself! Patterned jeans are on the list too - I'm thinking floral/aztec/leopard print patterns. I would like some wedge-heeled chelsea boots, they are lovely in a tan colour. I'm actually in need of plenty of tops and t-shirts because I have recently decluttered my wardrobe to fit new things in, and in the process a lot of tops have been removed. Of course, these are all ready to be donated to charity shops.
Here's some inspiration photos...
Do you have a wishlist? What sort of things are on yours?