Weekly Reflect // #62

Hello everyone!

Let's take a little bit of time to reflect on the past week!

Weekly Reflect // #62

This week . . .

. . . I filmed and uploaded another video for my Youtube channel! I have lots of ideas for what I'd like to do with it in the new year and fingers crossed, if all goes to plan I should be posting more & better videos. I'll give you one clue; let's just say I'm thinking about changing how I do these Weekly Reflect posts entirely! I think that might be a pretty big clue actually and if you have any guesses, I hope you're as excited as I am!

Weekly Reflect #62 // Zoella Beauty

In keeping with the theme of blog improvements, you may have noticed that something has changed! I said goodbye to www.thriftoclock.blogspot.co.uk on Wednesday and transferred to a fancy new URL. Yup, www.thriftoclock.co.uk is now a thing and I couldn't be happier. It's a small step towards moving onwards and upwards with my wee blog. Here's to hard work & whatever 2016 holds!

Also that day I had an appointment with my hairdresser and decided to try something a little bit different. I've now got a few more layers in my bob and although I'm still trying to get used to it, I'm loving having a bit more actual shape in my hair!

Weekly Reflect #62 // Sweets in M&S!

Thursday was the day the weather turned nasty as Storm Abigail made her presence felt and also the day my dad and I needed to go into town! It's absolutely lovely to see the Christmas lights up everywhere as well as beautifully packaged sweet treats on shop shelves. I restrained myself and just got some baking supplies in Marks & Spencer when it was so tempting to put ALL of the chocolate in our basket!

Weekly Reflect #62 // Ginger cat!

After my doctors appointment on Friday, my dad and I decided that while we were close, we may as well have lunch in McDonald's. We hadn't been in years and were pleasantly surprised at how much their food seems to have improved since then! I didn't even know they did wraps but the one I had was so delicious.

All in all, it was a pretty busy week for me and as a result I'm feeling exhausted but excited for the week ahead!

So that was my week! Get involved in the comments below and let me know what you got up to!

How was your week?

Thanks for reading,
