Weekly Reflect // #33

Hello everyone!

Well another week has rolled by and it's time to reflect on it! It's been quite a quiet one which was very needed as the past few weeks have been exhausting!

This week:

  • . . . I had to get some more blood tests which are never pleasant but I suppose it's just one of those things! The CFS/ME specialist I saw (post here) asked for them to be done so hopefully when the results come back, we'll be able to make some progress with my health.

    • . . . I got my hair cut! It's now a very short chin length bob which is very different to the long hair I had before. I was just getting bored of the same thing so I decided to chop it off and try something different. So far I'm loving it!

    • . . . I tried eating more healthily! Usually I eat quite well but I have to admit, at one point in the week I was straight up comfort eating for the sake of it and I felt rubbish for it. I caught myself on and am trying to turn things around but you know how it is when there are biscuits in the kitchen!

      So that's what I got up to this week! 

      How was your week?

      Thanks for reading,
